Dental implant restorations treat tooth loss with several advantages not found in any other tooth replacement option. They are truly the next best thing to a natural tooth; they give you the same form and function while avoiding the numerous side effects of other tooth replacement options.
Traditional treatments for tooth loss do not replace tooth roots, which puts them at a huge disadvantage. Dental implants use titanium posts and lustrous, lifelike prosthetics to replace both a root and crown. Let’s explore a few more of the amazing qualities this comprehensive treatment for tooth loss has.
Advantages of Implant-Supported Restorations
Permanent: Implant posts permanently and securely fuse with the jaw bone, which means prosthetics do not need to be soaked every night for cleaning nor do they slip out of place, causing you embarrassment and discomfort.
Comfortable: Once you are done healing from implant placement, you never need to worry about dentures that rub soft tissues and need continuous adjustments to fit comfortably. In fact, your implant-supported restoration will feel like a natural tooth.
Long-lasting: Dental implants have over a 95 percent rate of success. When cared for, they can last a lifetime. Dentures, on the other hand, often need to be relined, readjusted, or replaced due to the ongoing changes in the jaw bone.
Promote Oral Health: After tooth loss, the jaw bone begins to shrink due to a process called resorption. Gradual changes over time affect your facial structure and give your mouth a sunken appearance. This can prematurely age your smile. Resorption is also the reason dentures frequently need to be adjusted to fit onto the diminishing jaw bone. Dental implants give the jaw necessary stimulation to regenerate and maintain its bone mass.
Free-Standing: Dental implant restorations are free-standing and do not require the alteration of neighboring teeth nor the use of adhesive paste to stay secure in the mouth.
Dr. Markgraf Provides Implant-Supported Restorations
To learn more about the placement of dental implants and their gorgeous restorations, give the dental office of Michael R. Markgraf, DDS a call. He provides quality and compassionate dental care to patients living in and near Punta Gorda.